Filefox trouble


New member
Were those or links? I'm still getting "Connection Limit" errors. Changing my password won't make a difference because I'm using the free links.


New member
Same here as what Ulf says - "Connection Limit" errors on any link to or (I haven't found a file that's on, so can't say if that one works). And I'm also trying the free links, so it's not a password issue (of course, when a dozen people report the same problem, it should be obvious it's not a password issue - whoever at Filefox gave that suggestion clearly isn't a technical person).


New member
I did end up changing my password just to see if it would help in case I was hacked. That was on August 12th, which was also the last time they responded to me. It's been almost 2 weeks now without a reply or resolution. I will mention that I do have a premium account, so it's not just an issue with free accounts.


FWIW, I've been getting failed downloads lately using Filefox links. They just stop part way and have to be re-started. I just tried a DL today and had to re-start the DL several times, and ended up with a useless 17 byte file. This is using the free download.


New member
FWIW, I've been getting failed downloads lately using Filefox links. They just stop part way and have to be re-started. I just tried a DL today and had to re-start the DL several times, and ended up with a useless 17 byte file. This is using the free download.
I'm a premium pro user and have the same issues....connection limit, DL stopping, short files, etc Time for a new file host.


They all seem to be very recent issues. It seems they coincided with Fileox adopting a very annoying action that I first encountered using a Filejoker link...If you're a free downloader, of course, you have a short wait time before the download starts (usually 1-2 minutes) Both Filefox and Filejoker also take the step of stopping the countdown if you click off the page for any reason. You can't even click over to a different app to do a little work while waiting. Filefox takes it a step further by making you click to restart the countdown.


New member
They all seem to be very recent issues. It seems they coincided with Fileox adopting a very annoying action that I first encountered using a Filejoker link...If you're a free downloader, of course, you have a short wait time before the download starts (usually 1-2 minutes) Both Filefox and Filejoker also take the step of stopping the countdown if you click off the page for any reason. You can't even click over to a different app to do a little work while waiting. Filefox takes it a step further by making you click to restart the countdown.
Recent if you define recent to be "around the start of August". I don't mind having to stay on the page if I click the free download. It's free, beggars can't be choosers :)

But the problem here is, after the captcha and the wait, the file doesn't download. And apparently Filefox doesn't care, since they seem to be making no effort to fix it, or respond to those who've complained. As Fred says, you'd think people would start looking for a new filehost, since they aren't getting any download credits if Filefox is broken.


New member
Yes, been at least a month since I've been able to download anything from s01.filefox or s03.filefox. To me, there's two possibilities: 1) They're content with the current income and don't think they're going to lose money with bad service. 2) They're struggling to pay their bills from their ISP and have cut down on the number of connections in order to contain their expenses. Either option isn't good business.



I'm FileFox support team representative. We see you have some issues and I"m here to help you. If you have any problems, you can always contact me via PM.


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I gave you full member permissions so your posts show up immediately.


New member

I'm FileFox support team representative. We see you have some issues and I"m here to help you. If you have any problems, you can always contact me via PM.
It seems to me the problem is very well described in this thread. If you're not willing to read the thread and respond to the issues reported in it (and, since nothing has changed in the past 3 days I'm assuming you have not), I don't see that PM'ing you is likely to have any useful effect.


New member
OMG, I just got one I've been trying every day to start downloading. I'll try another later to see if they actually did something or I just got lucky.


New member
My problems went away shortly after I posted. I might have been lucky to not hit the bad servers at the time, but it's good to know that it seems it works for everyone else too.


@possum, the fastest way to get help is to contact our support team.

@Ulf, that's right, we made some improvements and everything should work fine.

@Arsebandit, thanks for the feedback!

@scumdog50, please contact our support and clarify details about the issue, then we will be able to take a look into it and help you.