New program to help organize/view your Video and Picture content




New program to help organize/view your Video and Picture content.


  • Easy user-friendly web interface
  • Allows you to organize all your videos for various media formats (mp4, wmv, avi, flv, etc)
  • Create video thumbnails
  • Allows you to organize all your pictures
  • Tag videos/pictures for easy searching/filtering
  • Create/play picture slideshows

Setup: v2.07 (Unzip it and run the setup.exe) [5.20 MB]

  • You can use the embedded media Player or your preferred media player like MPC, VLC, etc.
  • If you already have video thumbnails (generated in MPC for example), it can be configured to recognize those by filename, or it can generate new thumbnails with as many pics as you want displayed.
  • Optional Adult search tag info: Includes Adult genres/studios/models. It also has images which correspond to the models used for searching/tagging. Import the .txt file which contains the adult search tag info and place the pornstars image folder in your EZFP directory: [66.26 MB]

WT said:
RS stand alone links are okay for this purpose. No mod action is necessary.
Here's a link to the actual developer website:
You can also download the program from there, report bugs, request changes, etc.
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Great program. I was just looking something exactly like this

It even remembers external HD paths and you can selectively refresh them and/or update the paths when you plug them in to rotate through archived video's and storage drives, while keeping the thumbnails on your main drive and it still links the thumbnails. I started it up, put a link in to my main external storage HD, and it queud about 10k video paths and started making the thumbnails with no problem (although I think it might take a while to finish generating all the thumbs, does two at a time and takes about 10-15 seconds on my system to complete two thumbs at 5x5 squares per thumbnail, so about 22 hours for 10k thumbs - lol)

Anyhow I would certainly recommend it to anyone who has a massive video library, especially one which includes a ton of randomly / strangely named video's like 30 video's all named 1.wmv and 1.wmv (0) etc. or finger.mp4 or squirty.avi


I have 1000's of videos also. I usually do 3x2 thumbnails or sometimes just a single 1x1 screenshot. Takes about 5 to 10 secs to make thumbnails for each and it does two at a time.

It'll take a while to create all the initial thumbs needed, but once you have it, it's so much easier to manage all your video content.