Capping Chaturbate with Mac


New member
So i've been using Jaksta for capping MFC streams and it works without issue but when I cap something from Chaturbate the video is recorded but there is no audio. Does anyone know what the issue is or know of another capping software for OSX that works on Chaturbate.

Thanks for any suggestions


New member
If anyone has any suggestions for capping chaturbate (with sound) via a Mac and you don't want to post in public please send me a PM


New member
I'm not familiar with Mac, but if you can get ffmpeg to work, then you can put the video in a MP4 container. This way you don't have to re-encode the video and are not losing any quality. Only the audio needs to be re-encoded to MP3 or AAC. Most people use AAC for audio in a MP4 container.

Try to find a version of ffmpeg that has speex enabled and has been compiled with libfdk_aac.

ffmpeg -i "video.flv" -c:v copy -c:a libfdk_aac -b:a 128k "video.mp4"
Thanks guys...I'm as computer literate as I have to be so it looks like I have some learning to do LOL