Naked on Stage-Burlesque SHOW


New member
Erika Sunnegardh
Swedish-American soprano Erika Sunnegеrdh with details of forthcoming performances and workshops.
Swedish opera soprano. For many years she lived in New York, where she made her Metropolitan Opera debut in 2006.

Naked on Stage - Erika Sunnegardh Royal Opera Stockholm for Salome.mp4
492.54 mb
4.41 min



New member
Mariana B
Portuguese collaboration Actress Performer and Choreographer
Then, slowly we get rid of prejudices because Contemporary Dance is more than people rolling around on the floor. It is also (smile). But it is more. What if we tell you that Portugal is ahead of countries like England for years, when it comes to experimentalism? We may be ahead in some rankings, but ...

Nude on Stage - Mariana B Thumbelina.mp4
39.54 mb
0.21 min



New member
Maria Roja
Visual Actress, performer and Actress
Considering the body as a container of the intimate sphere and as a social and political architecture, as well as an element of subversion and resistance, my work is defined by a strong interest in appropriation processes and the incorporation and transmission of immaterial knowledge.

Naked on Stage - Maria Roja Sala Matilde Salvador de Valencia - 2010 - 1.mp4
496.58 mb
4.59 min
